Deborah Weinswig speaks at Plug and Play’s Retail Center of Innovation

The Retail Center of Innovation at Plug and Play kicked off with a demo event featuring 20 of the most innovative retail focused startups who are changing the world of retail. Along with representatives from the top 50 global retailers, 20 ecommerce sites, and top retail technology enablers, the event was co-hosted by Mike Calbert, Head of the Retail industry team with KKR’s Private Equity platform and Deborah Weinswig, Managing Director and Retail Analyst at Citi.

Deborah Weinswig leads the Retailing/Broadlines, Food & Drug, and Home Improvement team at Citi Investment Research & Analysis. In 2010, Debora was identified as the top ranging analyst in the Retailing/Broadlines Industry by StarMine, with a First Place ranking for her stock picking and a First Place ranging for her earnings estimating ability. Deborah received the First Place ranking for Retailing/Department stores and Broadlines as well as the Third Place ranking in Food & Drug in 2010 Institutional Investor Survey For more info, visit